



The name of this organization shall be the Worcester County Assessors Association and shall be abbreviated W.C.A.A.


The purposes of this Association are: To foster a closer relationship among the assessors of Worcester County and their assistants; to assist in creating efficient and uniform administration of local tax laws; to afford opportunity for discussion of current developments and subjects pertaining to local taxation; to provide and encourage participation in educational opportunities; to provide methods for encouraging the development of desirable tax laws; and to discourage the adoption of harmful measures, relating to local taxation or to the duties of local taxing officials.


Section 1 – Regular Membership

A. Assessor – Any person elected or appointed as an Assessor in Worcester County.

B. Assistant – Any person gainfully employed as an Assistant to the Assessors by a municipality in Worcester County , as provided by Chapter 41, Section 25A of the General Laws, regardless of the local title of his or her position, who works regularly scheduled hours for financial compensation and who is responsible for assisting the Board of Assessors in the administration of the tax laws of the Commonwealth and the determination of real and personal property values and who has taken an oath to administer said laws.

C. Support Staff – Any person gainfully employed by a municipality in Worcester County regardless of the local job title, who works regularly scheduled hours for financial compensation and who is responsible for assisting the Board of Assessors in the administrative process associated with the determination of real and personal property values.

Section 2 – Associate Membership

A. Other Employee – Any person employed by a municipality in Worcester County not entitled to Regular Membership shall be eligible for Associate Membership.

B. State/Federal Employee – Any person employed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the United States Government and whose work is concerned with tax assessment laws shall be eligible for Associate Membership.

C. Retiree – Any person who has retired from a position in Worcester County defined under Regular or Associate Membership.

D. Any Assessor employed outside of Worcester County as defined under Regular Membership.

E. Former Member – Any person who has terminated their position defined under Regular or Associate Membership and who has been a Regular or Associate Member in that year, excluding those eligible for Subscribing Membership.

Section 3 – Subscribing Membership

Any person, business, or corporation, not eligible for Regular or Associate Membership, who is interested in assessment administration and who subscribes to the purposes of the W.C.A.A.

Section 4 – Honorary Membership

Any person recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the voting body at an Annual Meeting shall become an Honorary Member.


Regular and Honorary Members in good standing shall have voting rights.


The annual dues shall be payable on or before January 15 of each year. The Treasurer shall notify members three months in arrears, and those whose dues are not paid within six months shall be automatically dropped from voting membership.

The dues schedule shall be approved at the Annual Meeting upon the recommendation of the Executive Board. Any change in dues shall take effect for the next Fiscal Year.

Honorary members will not be charged dues.


The officers of the Association shall be Regular Members at the time of election and throughout their term as defined above and shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, each of whom shall be elected by ratifying the slate of officers provided to the membership by the Nominating Committee. An additional vote will be taken at the Annual Meeting to elect any independent nominations received from the membership pursuant to Article VIII, Section 3 of these by-laws. Officers shall hold office for one (1) year or until his successor is elected. The office of the Secretary and Treasurer may be held by one (1) person.


Section 1 – The President:
The President, or in his/her absence the Vice President, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons except as otherwise provided by these by-laws and shall perform such other duties as may be required for the welfare of the Association.

Section 2 – The Secretary:
The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive
Board. The Secretary shall keep a roll of the membership and give notice of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be required or requested by the Association, the President or the Executive Board.

The Secretary shall maintain proper records and submit annual filings with the Secretary of State as required.

Section 3 -The Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds of the Association and keep an account of the same. The Treasurer shall be required to be bonded in such amount as the Executive Board may determine. The Treasurer shall keep all funds of the Association in a depository approved by the Executive Board and shall keep the funds deposited in the name of the Association. The Treasurer shall make an annual statement and report to the Association or, when required, to the Executive Board and shall perform such other duties as pertain to the office.

The Treasurer shall maintain proper records and file tax returns as required.


There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, the immediate Past President and at least (5) and no more than nine (9) additional members.

The additional members shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association and shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors have been elected. The Executive Board shall have general charge and control of its affairs, funds, and property, but shall not have the power to amend these by-laws. Meetings of the Executive Board may be called at any time by the President or by any five of its members with a five-day previous notice. 60% of members, rounded down to the nearest whole number, shall constitute a quorum. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to generally assist the officers between meetings in carrying out the functions of the Association.

The Executive Board shall establish the compensation of the Secretary, Treasurer and Newsletter Committee members.


All committees shall serve from time of appointment until the Annual Meeting, unless sooner discharged or change in employment status as defined above. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint any other committee necessary for the good of the Association.

Section 1 – Education Committee:
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, within sixty (60) days after the Annual Meeting, shall appoint a chairman to the Education Committee. The Committee shall consist of a minimum of five Regular or Associate members, at least two of which shall be members of the Executive Board.

The Education Committee shall be responsible for setting up and conducting educational programs for the benefit of the Association as well as booking relevant speakers for membership meetings and to establish a price per person to cover all costs associated with the event.

The Education Committee shall be responsible for selecting and reserving appropriate sites for both educational programs and membership meetings. This includes the first membership meeting in the next calendar year.

Section 2- Legislative Representative:
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, within sixty (60) days after the Annual Meeting, shall appoint a Legislative Representative.

The Representative shall keep informed of all legislative matters related to the purpose of this Association and shall consult with and advise the Executive Board on the position to be taken in such matters.

The Representative shall represent this Association before the legislative bodies of the Commonwealth whenever requested to do so by the President or the Executive Board and shall provide periodic updates for the newsletter and Association meetings.

Section 3 – Nominating Committee:
The President, sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting, shall appoint a chairman to the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be an Executive Board member. The purpose of the Committee shall be to present the slate of officers and members of the Executive Board to the membership at least twenty (20) days prior to the Annual Meeting for the purpose of election for the ensuing year.

Independent nominations may be made in writing by ten members in good standing to the Nominating Committee. They must be received at least twenty (20) days prior to the Annual Meeting. If independent nominees are Regular Members in good standing the Nominating Committee will present those nominees at the Annual Meeting for the purpose of election for the ensuing year.

Section 4 – Audit/Budget Committee:
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, within sixty (60) days after the Annual meeting shall appoint an Audit/Budget Committee composed of the Treasurer and four other members, two of whom should be Regular Members of the Association and two from the Executive Board. The purpose of the Committee shall be to audit the books of the Treasurer and to prepare a budget for the next fiscal year to be presented, in writing, for approval, at the Annual Meeting with the recommendation of the Executive Board. The Audit/Budget Committee can from time to time submit supplements to the budget for approval by the Executive Board during the year.

Section 5 – By-Law Committee:
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, within sixty (60) days after the Annual Meeting, shall appoint a chairman. The Committee will consist of a minimum of three members, one of whom shall be a member of the Executive Board, to receive process and review any proposed amendments to the by-laws of this Association. Said Committee shall be responsible for notifying each member of the Association of any proposed amendments to the by-laws at least twenty days (20) prior to the Annual Meeting or any other meeting of the Association duly called.

Section 6 – Scholarship Committee:
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, within sixty (60) days after the Annual Meeting shall appoint a chairman to the Scholarship Committee. The Committee will consist of a minimum of three members, one of whom shall be a member of the Executive Board. The purpose of the Committee shall be to review applications and award scholarships in the Fiscal Year (November 1 – October 31).

Section 7 – Awards Committee:
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board within sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting shall appoint a chairman to the Awards Committee. The Committee shall be composed of three members, one of whom shall be a member of the Executive Board. The purpose of this Committee shall be to make awards to be presented at the Annual Meeting to persons performing outstanding service to the assessing profession.

Section 8 – Newsletter Committee:
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, within sixty (60) days after the Annual Meeting shall appoint a chairman to the Newsletter Committee. The Committee shall be composed of a minimum of two members. The purpose of this Committee shall be to design and distribute the Association newsletter and maintain the Association website as required or requested by the President or the Executive Board.


Section 1 – The Year:
The Association year shall be from November first through October thirty-first.

Section 2 – Annual Meeting:
The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held between the first day in November and the thirty-first day in December on such day and at such time and place as the Executive Board may previously fix. Other meetings, formal and informal, may be arranged by the President, the Executive Board or by the Association.
Section 3 – Regular Meetings:
Regular meetings may be scheduled by the President or the Executive Board.

Section 4 – Quorum:
Twenty-five (25) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at the annual and regular business meetings.

Section 5 – Notice of Meetings:
Notice of meetings shall be sent by email not less than fifteen (15) days prior to a meeting. Notice shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called.


Section 1 – Amendments:
These by-laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by unanimous consent or by two-thirds vote of those present at the Annual Meeting or at any other meeting, duly called, providing that notice of the proposed amendment, alteration, or repeal, shall have been sent to each member at least twenty (20) days prior to such meeting.

Section 2 – Rules of Order:
Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not especially covered by these by-laws or by specific rules of procedure adopted by the Association.

Section 3 – Dissolution:
If this Association is dissolved or its activities discontinued, its assets shall be donated to one or more non-profit, educational, or charitable organization as required by law and as determined by the Executive Board to promote the purpose of these by-laws. In no case shall any assets revert to association officers, members, or any other person.

Section 4 – Saving Clause:
If any provision of these by-laws is declared invalid or unconstitutional, then all other portions thereof shall remain in full force and in effect until amended or repealed through appropriate action.

Section 5 – Vacancies:
In the event of a vacancy in the President’s position, the Vice President shall serve out the term. If a vacancy occurs in the Vice President position or in the Executive Board, the remaining members of the Executive Board shall appoint a Regular Member until the next annual election.

The Executive Board shall also have the power to fill all Officer and Committee vacancies until the next Annual Meeting.
Section 6 – Termination of Officer, Executive Board Member or Committee Member:

A. Any member, elected or chosen to serve as an officer or member of the Executive Board, may be terminated at the discretion of the Executive Board as an officer or member of the Executive Board, upon being absent from three or more duly called meetings during the twelve-month term of election or appointment, and a successor shall be chosen to complete the term of office. The Executive Board may determine whether absences should be excused for cause on an individual basis and such excused absence shall not be considered in the three absences. Following two absences by an Officer or Executive Board Member, he/she shall be notified of potential action due to absences.

B. Any Committee member appointed by the Executive Board may be terminated at the discretion of the Executive Board upon the recommendation of the Committee Chair that member’s absences are impeding the Committee’s ability to meet its duties.

C. Any member serving as an Officer, Executive Board member or Committee member, who is no longer eligible for Regular Membership, shall have three months to regain Regular Membership status. Otherwise, all appointments or election to office are terminated. The Executive Board shall appoint the successor to the Executive Board or committee until the next Annual Meeting.

Section 7 – Compensation:
The Executive Board shall establish the compensation of the Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter and Website designees.

Revised in 2023 by the following Committee: Jennifer Sclar, Milford
Kathleen Stanley, Charlton
Tammy Kalinowski, Grafton

Revised in 2020 by the following Committee: Jennifer Sclar, Milford
Helen Townsend, Shrewsbury
Kathleen Stanley, Charlton

Revised in 2017 by the following Committee: Jennifer Sclar, Milford
Christopher Reidy, Shrewsbury
Wil Cournoyer, Southbridge
William Mitchell, Leominster

Revised in 2012 by the following Committee: Jennifer O’Neil, Grafton
Reedy Nealer, N. Brookfield
Priscilla Johnson, N. Brookfield
Wil Cournoyer, Southbridge
Revised in 2011 by the following Committee: Jennifer O’Neil, Grafton
Reedy Nealer, N. Brookfield
Wil Cournoyer, Southbridge
Priscilla Johnson, N. Brookfield

Revised in 2008 by the following Committee: Priscilla A. Johnson, No. Brookfield
Joyce Mc Guinness, Rutland
Linda LeBlanc, East Brookfield

Revised in 2005 by the following Committee: Priscilla A. Johnson, No. Brookfield
Diane Hakala, Auburn
Linda LeBlanc, East Brookfield

Revised in 2002
Revised in 1997
Amended September 1989
Amended October 1987
Amended March 1986
Revised in 1984